Welcome to Pag3 Beta!

Pag3 is a space for your ideas that are too BIG for paper! Get started with the tutorial or jump right in to your own boundless workspace! Don't forget to join the Pag3 Discord Community if you need some extra help.

Pag3 is still in the Beta development stage and will have many changes coming in the future. Please excuse any problems that you encounter, or better yet send us your feedback in our public Discord Community. Happy Scribbling!

Welcome to Pag3!

Pag3 is a space for your ideas that are too BIG for paper! With a boundless, 3-dimensional workspace Pag3 has room for all your notes, diagrams, and scribbles.

Follow along this tutorial to take your first steps in Pag3!

The Toolbar

Your toolbar contains everything you need to customize your workspace.

File Options

On the very left of the toolbar is your File Options. Here you will be able to save your documents, open existing documents, save screenshots, and more!


Next up is your tools! Here you can select any tool Pag3 has to offer including a Pen, Eraser, Text Block Tool, and more!


To the right of the tools is your Layers, where you can organize your document into different layers and toggle their visibility.

View Alignment

The Align View button allows you to reset your viewport to its default orientation.

Page Grid and Ruler

There are also two buttons that allow you to toggle the page grid and ruler visibility.

Undo and Redo

The last two buttons on the toolbar provide a quick way to undo and redo your actions (and mistakes)!

Control Borders

Sometimes switching to the move and rotate tools can be a bit of a pain, so we provide a simpler way to navigate the document by using your mouse, finger, or pen to drag on the outer borders of your document. The top border and left border allow you to move the document while the bottom border and right border provide a quick way to rotate your viewport!


Pag3 also provides a quick way to erase mistakes without switching to the eraser tool. If you are using the Pen or Multi Tool you can press and hold on the document for a second and your tool will start erasing!

You're Ready!

We've covered all the basics of Pag3. You can always revisit this tutorial or read the extended help document by clicking the help icon in your file options.

Happy Scribbling!


Welcome to the Pag3 help guide. Browse or search for a topic below or click here to revisit the tutorial.

If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please join the Pag3 Discord Community.

Movement and Rotation

There are a few different ways to move around a document in Pag3. The most straightforward way is by switching to the Move Tool and then dragging your mouse, pen, or finger in the direction you would like to move the document. Similarly, you can also switch to the Rotation Tool and do the same actions to rotate around your current focal point.

There are also hidden control areas on the borders of the window. The top and left borders can be used to move the document, while the right and bottom borders can be used for rotation. You can use the borders by using your mouse, pen, or finger to click and drag near the edge of the window.

If you are using a touchscreen device, you can also use touch controls with most of the Pag3 tools to move around the document.

Additionally, if you are using a mouse and keyboard, you can hold SHIFT while clicking and dragging the mouse to move the document. Similarly, you can hold CTRL to rotate your view.

Scaling the Viewport

To scale the viewport, you can scroll the mouse wheel or track pad to zoom in and out. If you are using touch controls, you can use two fingers with a pinching gesture to zoom out, or two fingers with a spreading gesture to zoom in.

Selecting Objects

You can select any object in your document by right clicking its location with a mouse or tapping its location with your finger while using the Multi Tool. You can also switch to the Box Select Tool and use your mouse, pen, or finger to outline a rectangular area and select everything inside. To deselect your selection, you can use the same actions on an empty area of the document.

Manipulating Objects

You can move, rotate, or scale any object you have placed by selecting the object(s) and then using any of the control points that appear to drag the selecting somewhere else, or rotate/scale the selection at its current location.

Text Blocks

To create a text block, you can use the Text Tool and click or tap where you would like to add a text block. Once created, a text input box will appear where you can edit the contents of the block. Pag3 supports limited Markdown formatting to provide a simple and universal way to style your text.


Pag3 has many different tools for different editing situations. To change your active tool, click on the leftmost button on the upper toolbar and select an option from the dropdown below.

Hotkeys and Shortcuts

If you are using a keyboard with Pag3, then you can use a variety of hotkeys and shortcuts to perform certain tasks:

Move SHIFT + Click and Drag
Rotate CTRL + Click and Drag
Add Selection Mode SHIFT + Select
Tool Shortcuts
Multi Tool U
Text T
Pen P
Eraser E
Box Select B
Move Tool M
Rotate Tool R
Selection Manipulation
Delete Delete
Select Linked CTRL+L
Simplify CTRL+I
Pop Selection CTRL+P
Project to Layer CTRL+SHIFT+P
Move to Current Layer CTRL+M
Duplicate CTRL+D
Paste CTRL+V
File Shortcuts
Save File CTRL+S
Align View SPACE
Toggle Grid G
Toggle Ruler R
Toggle Layer H
Next Layer ]
Previous Layer [